Friday, February 28, 2014

Genetics Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the Genetics Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on February 28th.

Link to quiz

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Intro to Genetics and Mendelian Genetics Videos.

Below are the links for two videos for genetics: Intro to Genetics and Mendelian Genetics.  Watch Intro to Genetics first, then watch Mendelian Genetics.  These videos were watched in class on February 20th.

Link to Intro to Genetics

Link to Mendelian Genetics

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cancer Research Project

On Wednesday Feb 12th, your group will make a presentation in class on a type of cancer.  Here's what your presentation should cover:

1.Pick one of the following cancers:
2.Identify what type of cell causes that type of cancer
3.Identify possible risk factors for developing that type of cancer
4.How lethal is that type of cancer?
5.What are the symptoms of this cancer?
6.Give at least two examples of treatments for that cancer AND describe how these treatments work
Your presentation can be just you, in front of the class talking.  If you want to do more you can use Powerpoint, Screencast-o-matic, Animoto, Prezi, Vocaroo, or Easelly to produce visuals to help with your presentation. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Protein Synthesis Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the Protein Synthesis Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on February 7th.

Link to quiz

Monday, February 3, 2014

Protein Synthesis Videos

Below are the links for the protein synthesis videos.  Watch the video "protein synthesis" first, THEN watch the video "Problems with Protein Synthesis" second.  This videos were watched in class on February 3rd.

Link to protein synthesis video

Link to problems with protein synthesis video