Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cell Membrane and DIffusion Videos

Below are links for videos on the cell membrane and diffusion.  Watch the cell membrane video first, then watch the diffusion video.  These videos were watched in class on Sept 29th and cover what will be on the quiz given in class on October 3rd.

Link to Cell Membrane Video  <-------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Link to Diffusion Video <---------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND!

For everyone who was absent on video day, or needs the study questions; below is a link where you can get the study questions for these videos.

Link to study questions

Friday, September 19, 2014

Unit 1 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links to all of the make-up quizzes for unit 1.  If you didn't pass the quiz on the first day it was given, these are the quizzes you to take and re-take until you pass them.

Link to Scientific Investigations Make Up Quiz

Link to Cell Organelles Make Up Quiz

Link to Enzymes Make Up Quiz

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Enzymes Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the enzymes test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Sept 19th.

Link to quiz

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cell Organelle Make Up Quiz

Below is a link for the cell organelle make up quiz.  Students who did not pass the Cell Organelle Test Prep quiz, need to take this make up quiz until they pass it.

Link to quiz

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Enzymes Video

Below is the link for the video on enzymes.  This video was watched in class on Sept 15th and covers everything that will be on the quiz that will be given on Sept 19th.

Link to video

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cell Organelles Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link to the cell organelles test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Sept 12th.

Link to quiz.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Scientific Investigations Make Up Quiz

Below is a link for the Scientific Investigations Make Up Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Sept 12th.

Every student who did not pass the Scientific Investigations Test Prep Quiz should take, and retake this quiz until they pass it.  Students cannot take the test on Sept 25 without passing a quiz on scientific investigations.

Link to quiz

Monday, September 8, 2014

Different types of cells video

Below is the link for the video on different types of cells.  This video was watched in class on September 8th.  The quiz given in class on September 12th will have questions that are answered in this video.

Link to video

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Scientific Investigations Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the scientific investigations test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Sept 5th 2014.

Link to quiz

Monday, September 1, 2014

Introduction to the Cell and Cell Organelle Videos

Below are links to two videos, Introduction to the Cell and Cell Organelles.  Watch "Introduction" first and "Organelles" second.

These videos were watched in class on Sept 2nd.  These videos contain everything you need to know to pass the quiz that will be given on Sept 12th.

Link to Introduction to the Cell Video

Link to Cell Organelles Video