Wednesday, January 28, 2015

DNA and RNA Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the DNA and RNA Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Jan 28th (2nd hour only) and Jan 30th (5th and 6th hour).

Link to quiz

Monday, January 26, 2015

DNA and RNA videos

Below are links for TWO videos, intro to DNA and RNA, and DNA and RNA structure.  These videos were watched in class on January 27th.

Link to Intro to DNA and RNA <-------------------- Watch this one first
Link to DNA and RNA structure <-------------------Watch this one second

Link to study questions

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mitosis Make Up Quiz and Meiosis and Cell Cycle Make Up Quiz

Below are links for the mitosis make up quiz and the meiosis and cell cycle make up quiz.  Student who did not pass the mitosis test prep quiz and the meiosis and cell cycle test prep quiz need to retake these quizzes until they pass them.

Link to Mitosis Make Up Quiz

Link to Meiosis and Cell Cycle Make Up Quiz

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mitosis Test Prep Quiz and Meiosis and Cell Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Below are links for two quizzes, the mitosis test prep quiz and the meiosis and cell cycle test prep quiz.  These quizzes were taken in class on Jan 13th.

Link to Mitosis Test Prep Quiz

Link to Meiosis and Cell Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Meiosis and Cell Cycle Videos

Below are links to watch Meiosis and  Cell Cycle videos.  These videos were watched in class on January 12th 2015.

Watch the meiosis video first, then watch the video on the cell cycle.

Link to meiosis video <------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST  

Link to cell cycle video <------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

Link to study questions

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cell Division Video

Below is a link to the video on Cell Division.  This video was watched in class on January 5th.

Link to video

Link to study questions