Thursday, April 30, 2015

Unit 7 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all of make up quizzes for unit 7.  Students who have not passed quizzes need to retake these quizzes until they pass them so they can take the test on May 12th.

Link to Nitrogen Cycle Make Up Quiz

Link to Food Chains and Food Webs Make Up Quiz

Link to Populations Make Up Quiz

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Nitrogen Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the Nitrogen Cycle Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 24th.

Link to quiz

Food Chains and Food Webs Make Up Quiz

Below is the link for the food chains and food webs make up quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 24th.

Link to quiz

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A World Without Water

This video was watched in class on April 23rd when Mr. Bennett was out and a substitute was in class.

Link to video

While students watch the video they should answer these questions and turn them in at the end of class.

1) Is it ok for people to have to buy water around the world?

2) How much do you pay for water when you eat out of your house?

3) Is water a basic human right?

4) How can you use less water? Give 5 different ways to use less water.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Nitrogen Cycle Videos

Below are the links for the nitrogen cycle videos.  This video was watched in class on April 21st.

Intro to Nitrogen  Cycle  <------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Nitrogen Cycle Video <--------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

After you get done watching the video on the nitrogen cycle, you should watch the videos on the carbon cycle again to refresh.  The carbon cycle will be on your test.

Link to carbon cycle video

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Food Chains and Food Webs Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the food chains and food webs test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 17th.

Link to quiz

Populations Make Up Quiz

Below is the link for the Populations make up quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 17th.

Link to quiz

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Water Footprint Calculator

Below is a link for the water footprint calculator. Students completed this activity in class on April 15th.

Link to calculator

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Food Chains and Food Webs Video

Below is the link for the video on food chains and food webs.  This video was watched in class on April 13th.

Link to video

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Population Growth Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the population growth test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 10th.

Link to quiz

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Population Growth Video

Below is the link for the video on populations and population growth.  This video was watched in class on April 6th.

Link to video