Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Biology Unit 2 Test

Below is a link to the Biology Unit 2 test.  This test was given in class on October 1st 2015.

Link to Unit 2 Test

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Acidity of Sodas

Before we measure the pH levels of different sodas, I want you to make some predictions about which soda is the most acidic and which soda is the least acidic.  We will be testing: Coke, Dr. Pepper, Lemonade, Mountain Dew, and Pepsi.

Rank those 5 sodas from MOST acidic to LEAST acidic.  Then enter your answers using the link below.

Link to pH of soda data entry sheet

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Unit 2 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all of the Unit 2 Make Up Quizzes.  Students who did not pass any of the test prep quizzes must take these make up quizzes until they pass.  The deadline for passing all make up quizzes is September 30th at 4:30pm

Link to Atomic Structure and Bonding make up quiz

Link to Characteristics of Water and pH scale make up quiz

Link to Macromolecules Make Up Quiz

Link to Enzymes Make Up Quiz

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Make Up Quizzes: Atomic Structure and Bonding, and Characteristics of Water and pH scale

Below you will find links for the make up quizzes for Atomic Structure and Bonding, and Characteristics of Water and pH scale.

Any student who did not pass the Atomic Structure and Bonding Test Prep Quiz or the Characteristics of Water and pH scale Test Prep Quiz needs to take these make up quizzes until they do pass.

Link to Atomic Structure and Bonding make up quiz

Link to Characteristics of Water and pH scale make up quiz

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Video 7 Macromolecules and Video 8 Enzymes

Below are links for Video 7 Macromolecules and Video 8 Enzymes.  These videos were watched in class on Sept 21st and cover material for the quizzes that will be given on Sept 23rd.

Link to Video 7 Macromolecules

Link to Video 8 Enzymes

Friday, September 18, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Video 5: Chemistry of Life

Below is a link for Video 5 Chemistry of Life.  This video was watched in class on September 14th.  On September 18th a quiz will be given on this video.

Link to Video 5 Chemistry of Life

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Biology Unit 1 Test

Below is a link for the Biology Unit 1 Test.  This test was given in class on Sept 10th.

Link to Biology Unit 1 Test

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Make Up Quizzes

Below you will find links to all of the make up quizzes for Unit 1.  Students who did not pass the Nature of Science Test Prep Quiz, Scientific Experiments Test Prep Quiz, or the Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep Quiz; must pass one of these make up quizzes in order to get a grade for the Unit 1 test.

Quiz 1 Link to Nature of Science Make Up Quiz

Quiz 2 Link to Scientific Experiments Make Up Quiz

Quiz 3 Link to Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Make Up Quiz

Students MUST pass all three quizzes by Wednesday Sept 9th at 4:30 pm OR THEY WILL RECEIVE A SCORE OF ZERO for the unit 1 test.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Scientific Investigations Test Prep Quiz and Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep Quiz

Below you will find links for the Scientific Investigations and the Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep quizzes.  These quizzes were given in class on Sept 4th.  Passing these quizzes is REQUIRED to receive a passing grade for unit 1.

Link to Scientific Investigations Test Prep Quiz

Link to Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep Quiz

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Video 3 Testing Hypothesis and Video 4 Levels of Organization

Below are links for Video 3 Testing Hypothesis and Video 4 Levels of Organization.  These videos were watched in class on September 3rd.  These videos cover material that will be on quizzes that will be given on Sept 4th.

Link to Video 3 <---------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Link to Video 4 <---------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND