Sunday, October 30, 2016

Unit 5 Study Packet

Below is a link for the Unit 5 study packet.  This packet was assigned on Oct 17th and is due at 7:30 am on THURSDAY November 10th at the beginning of your class period.

In order to receive a grade for this assignment, students must receive a score of 80% or higher.  Students can submit a response for this study packet once a day until the due date.  STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RECEIVE A SCORE OF 80% ON THIS PACKET BY THE DUE DATE WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.

Once a student has passed this packet with a score of 80% or higher, they may continue to take the packet to try and improve their score up until the due date.

This study packet is an open-book, open resource assignment. Students can use whatever resources they wish to answer the questions in this packet.

Tip 1:  If you have an email address, and enter your email address into the form you will receive an email with your score.

Tip 2:  If you take the packet and your score remains a zero, that means you did not score 80% or higher and you need to try the packet again.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Unit 4 Test

Below is a link for the Unit 4 test.  This test was given in class on Oct 28th.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Carbon Footprint calculator

Below are links for the carbon footprint calculator and a Google form where you will enter your results.  This activity was done in class on October 24th.

Link to Carbon Footprint Calculator

Link to Google form to enter results

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Unit 4 Study Packet

Below is a link for the Unit 4 study packet.  This packet was assigned on Oct 17th and is due at 7:30 am on Friday October 28th

In order to receive a grade for this assignment, students must receive a score of 80% or higher.  Students can submit a response for this study packet once a day until the due date.  STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RECEIVE A SCORE OF 80% ON THIS PACKET BY THE DUE DATE WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.

Once a student has passed this packet with a score of 80% or higher, they may continue to take the packet to try and improve their score up until the due date.

This study packet is an open-book, open resource assignment. Students can use whatever resources they wish to answer the questions in this packet.

Tip 1:  If you have an email address, and enter your email address into the form you will receive an email with your score.

Tip 2:  If you take the packet and your score remains a zero, that means you did not score 80% or higher and you need to try the packet again.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unit 3 Test Review: Photosynthesis and Respiration

Below is a link to the test review we did in class on photosynthesis and respiration.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Unit 3 Study Packet

Below is a link for the Unit 3 study packet.  This packet was assigned on Oct 3rd and is due at 7:30 am on Friday October 14th.

In order to receive a grade for this assignment, students must receive a score of 80% or higher.  Students can submit a response for this study packet once a day until the due date.  STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RECEIVE A SCORE OF 80% ON THIS PACKET BY THE DUE DATE WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.

Once a student has passed this packet with a score of 80% or higher, they may continue to take the packet to try and improve their score up until the due date.

This study packet is an open-book, open resource assignment. Students can use whatever resources they wish to answer the questions in this packet.

Tip 1:  If you have an email address, and enter your email address into the form you will receive an email with your score.

Tip 2:  If you take the packet and your score remains a zero, that means you did not score 80% or higher and you need to try the packet again.