Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cell Types and Cell Organelles Video

Below is a link for the video on Cell Types and Cell Organelles.  This video was watched in class on December 17th.


Below is a link for study questions for this video


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Intro to the Microscope Lab Questions

Below is a link for the lab questions you need to answer while doing the intro to the microscope lab. This lab was done in class on Dec 15th.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Unit 7 Pre-Test and Discovery of Cells and Cell Theory Video

Below is a link for a pre-test on cell organelles.  ALL students need to take the pre-test.


Below is a link to the first video for unit 7, Discovery of Cells and Cell Theory.  This video was watched in class on December 13th.



Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 6 Mini-Test

Below is a link for the Unit 6 mini-test.  This test was given in class on December 10th.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Water Footprint Calculator

Below is a link for the water footprint calculator. Students completed this activity in class on December 8th.

Link to calculator

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Unit 6 Video: Human Effects on the Environment

Below is a link for the video on human effects on the environment.  This video was watched in class on December 7th.


Below is a link for study questions students can use while watching this video.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Unit 5 Test

Below is a link for the Unit 5 test.  This test was given in class on December 3rd.


Unit 5 Review Questions

Below is a link for the review questions we did in class on December 2nd.  If you know all of these questions, from the top of your head you should be fine on the test.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Cache County Population Analysis


Today you will be analyzing the population characteristics of 10 different cities/towns in Cache County.  After analyzing the population data, you will answer the following questions.

1.  Which city/town in Cache County has the HIGHEST population density?

2.  Which city/town in Cache County has the LOWEST population density?

3.  Which city/town in Cache County had the HIGHEST percent population growth between 2000 and 2010?

4.  Which city/town in Cache County had the LOWEST percent population growth between 2000 and 2010?

Before you start researching, I want you to take a pre-test where you will answer those four questions just giving your best guess.


I have compiled all the data you will analyze on a Google Sheet.  All the data you will need to answer those four questions can be found at the link below:


After you have analyzed the data and answered the four questions above, enter you answers at the link below.


In order to get points for this assignment, you must complete the pre-test, the post test, and get the questions right on the Post-Test.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Unit 5 Video 1: Populations

Below is a link for the Populations video.  This video was watched in class on November 23rd.

Link to Populations Video

Below are study questions for this video

Link to Study Questions

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Unit 5 Pre-Test

Below is a link for the Unit 5 Pre-Test.  This test was given in class on Nov 19th.  All students must take the pre-test.

Link to Unit 5 Pre-Test

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Unit 4 Test

Below is a link for the Unit 4 Test.  This test was given in class on November 18th.

Link to Unit 4 Test

Unit 4 Study Questions

Below is a link for the Unit 4 Study Questions and the answers for those questions.

Link to Study Questions

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Unit 4 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all of the make up quizzes for unit 4.  Students who did not pass one or more of the test prep quizzes for unit 4 must take these make up quizzes until they pass them.

The deadline to pass all unit 4 make up quizzes is Tuesday November 17th at 4:30pm.

Link to Weather and Climate Make Up Quiz

Link to Biomes Make Up Quiz

Link to Community Interactions Make Up Quiz

Link to Ecological Succession Make Up Quiz

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Community Interactions and Ecological Succession Test Prep Quizzes

Below are links for the Community Interactions Test Prep Quiz and the Ecological Succession Test Prep Quiz.  These quizzes were given in class on Friday November 13th.



Below are link for the Weather and Climate Make Up Quiz and the Biomes Make Up Quiz.  If you have not passed either of these quizzes, you should take them when you are done with the Community Interactions and the Ecological Succession Test Prep Quizzes.



Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Assignment for Wednesday November 11th 2015

Below is a link for the instructions for today's assignment:


Below are links to the video clips you need to watch today.  Remember, some of the questions on the Unit 4 test will be based on these video clips.  Remember you need to watch the WHOLE video on NORMAL speed.  Student's whose watch time is less than the length of the video will lose points.







Food Webs and Competitive Exclusion Simulator

Below is a link for a food web and competitive exclusion simulator.


You will use this simulator to answer the following questions:

1.  If you select just two plants and run the simulation, after 100 days only one of the plants is left and the other plant is no longer in the ecosystem.  Why did the one plant disappear?

2.  Create a food web so that all three species of plants survive the 100 days and are still in the ecosystem.  Draw the food web on a piece of paper.

3.  Create a food web using all 9 species.  Draw your food web on a piece of paper.  Then run the simulation for 100 days.  At the end of the 100 days record the population for all 9 species on your paper.

4.  Remove one species from the food web you created in question 3.  Now run the simulation again for 100 days.  At the end of the 100 days record the population of the 8 remaining species.  Which species were effected by removing that one species from your food web.

5.  Challenge: create a food web that will allow for all 9 species to survive for 100 days.  You will likely have to try several different food webs to make this work.  When you find the one that works, write that food web on a piece of paper, record the population of each species after 100 days, then graph the population graph for each species.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ecological Succession and Community Interaction Videos

Below are links for videos on Ecological Succession and Community Interactions.  These videos were watched in class on November 9th and cover material that will be quizzed on on November 13th.

Link to video on Ecological Succession

Link to Video on Community Interactions

Link to Study Questions

Friday, November 6, 2015

Climate and Weather Test Prep Quiz and Biomes Test Prep Quiz

Below are links for the Climate and Weather Test Prep Quiz and the Biomes Test Prep Quiz.  These quizzes were given in class on November 6th.

Link to Weather and Climate Test Prep Quiz

Link to Biomes Test Prep Quiz

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Biomes and Climatograph Assignment

In this assignment you will be analyzing climate data from different locations in the State of Utah and classifying those locations as one of the 10 biomes we learned about in class.  The locations you will be analyzing are: Logan, Manti, St. George, Ouray, Park City, and Salt Lake City.

I have already gathered the climate data for you.  The climate data for the 6 locations listed above can be found at this link.

Link to climate data

For each of these 6 locations you will need to make a climate graph, like the ones you saw in the biomes video.  You will make the climate graph for Logan by hand, using graph paper I will provide. You will make the climate graphs for 2 of the other 5 locations using a computer and either Google Sheets or Excel.

Below are links for 2 videos that show you exactly how to make a climate graph using Google Sheets or Excel.  (Sorry, I don't have a tutorial for how to use the worthless Apple program Numbers to make your climate graph as I have found Numbers to be as useless as bicycle is for a fish)

Link to Google Sheets Tutorial Video

Link to Excel Tutorial Video

After you have completed your climate graphs, send them to Bennett using either AirDrop or email them to me.  Then analyze your climate graphs and decide which of the 10 biomes we studied best fits each of the 6 locations.

After you have decided which biome best fits each of the 6 locations, go to the quiz found at the following link and enter your results.

Link to Biomes Quiz

Biomes Video

Below is a link for the video on biomes.  This video was watched in class on November 4th.

Link to Biomes Video

Monday, November 2, 2015

Utah Climate Research Activity

Today you will do basic climate research.  In groups, you will answer the following questions:

1.  Which city/town in Utah has the highest average temperature?

2.  Which city/town in Utah has the lowest average temperature?

3.  Which city/town in Utah receives the highest amount of average precipitation?

4.  Which city/town in Utah receives the lowest amount of average precipitation?

5.  Which city/town in Utah has the largest gap between average high temperature and average low temperature?

The following website will help you do the research needed to answer these questions:


After you have done the research to answer the questions above, go to the website listed below to enter your answers.  Classroom Number: RC5BUR2WR


Unit 4 Video 1: Climate

Below is a link for Unit 4 Video 1 on climate.  This video was watched in class on November 2nd and covers material that will be quizzed on on Friday Nov 6th.

Link to Unit 4 Video 1 Climate

Below is a link to some study questions that students should be able to answer from watching this video.

Link to Climate Video Study Questions

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Biology Unit 3 Test and Unit 4 Pre-Test

Below is a link for the Biology Unit 3 Test.  This test was given in class on Oct 29th.

Link to Biology Unit 3 Test TAKE THIS FIRST

Below is a link for the Biology Unit 4 Pre-Test.  When students are done with the Unit 3 test, the need to take the Unit 4 Pre-Test.

Link to Biology Unit 4 Pre-Test TAKE THIS SECOND

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Unit 3 Test Review Materials

Below are some links for stuff that may help you study for the unit 3 test.

Link to study questions and answers these are the questions that were presented in class on Oct 28th.

Water cycle simulator

Carbon Cycle Simulator

Nitrogen Cycle Simulator

Phosphorous Cycle Simulator

Friday, October 23, 2015

Unit 3 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all of the make up quizzes for Unit 3.  Students who did not pass the test prep quizzes for any of these cycles must retake these make up quizzes until they pass.  Students have until October 28th to pass all their quizzes.

Link to Carbon Cycle Make Up Quiz

Link to Nitrogen Cycle Make Up Quiz

Link to Water Cycle Make Up Quiz

Link to Phosphorous Cycle Make Up Quiz

Link to Energy Cycle Make Up Quiz

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Energy Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the Energy Cycle Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Oct 21st for 1st and 4th Period, and on Oct 22nd for 5th, 6th, and 7th Periods.

Link to Energy Cycle Quiz

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Nitrogen Cycle, Water Cycle, and Phosphorous Cycle Test Prep Quizzes

Below are links for the Nitrogen Cycle Test Prep Quiz, the Water Cycle Test Prep Quiz, and the Phosphorous Cycle Test Prep Quiz.  These quizzes were taken in class on Oct 14th 2015.

Link to Nitrogen Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Link to Water Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Link to Phosphorous Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Water Cycle and Phosphorous Cycle

Below are links for two videos, the Water Cycle Video and the Phosphorous and Nutrients video.  These videos were watched in class on October 13th and cover material that will be quizzed on on October 14th.

Below is a link for study questions for these two videos.  Study questions are not a required assignment, study questions are there to help students study better.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Nitrogen Cycle Videos

Below are links for two videos: nitrogen cycle and nitrogen cycle problems.  These videos were watched in class on October 12th and cover material that will be quizzed on on October 14th.

Link to Nitrogen Cycle Video <--------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Link to Nitrogen Cycle Problems Video <---------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

Below is a link for study questions that a student should be able to answer after watching these videos.

Link to Study Questions.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Carbon Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the carbon cycle test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on October 9th.

Link to Carbon Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Below are links for the carbon footprint calculator and a Google form where you will enter your results.  This activity was done in class on October 8th.

Link to Carbon Footprint Calculator

Link to Google form to enter results

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Carbon Cycle Videos

Below are links for two videos on the carbon cycle.  These videos were watched in class on October 5th and cover material for the quiz on October 9th.

Link to Carbon Cycle Video <-------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Link to Problems with Carbon Cycle Video<---WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

I've also written some study questions that cover the BASIC points you should learn from this video.

Link to Study Questions

Links for Mckaylee broken computer

Link to Carbon Cycle Video

Link to Problems with Carbon Cycle Video

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Biology Unit 2 Test

Below is a link to the Biology Unit 2 test.  This test was given in class on October 1st 2015.

Link to Unit 2 Test

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Acidity of Sodas

Before we measure the pH levels of different sodas, I want you to make some predictions about which soda is the most acidic and which soda is the least acidic.  We will be testing: Coke, Dr. Pepper, Lemonade, Mountain Dew, and Pepsi.

Rank those 5 sodas from MOST acidic to LEAST acidic.  Then enter your answers using the link below.

Link to pH of soda data entry sheet

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Unit 2 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all of the Unit 2 Make Up Quizzes.  Students who did not pass any of the test prep quizzes must take these make up quizzes until they pass.  The deadline for passing all make up quizzes is September 30th at 4:30pm

Link to Atomic Structure and Bonding make up quiz

Link to Characteristics of Water and pH scale make up quiz

Link to Macromolecules Make Up Quiz

Link to Enzymes Make Up Quiz

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Make Up Quizzes: Atomic Structure and Bonding, and Characteristics of Water and pH scale

Below you will find links for the make up quizzes for Atomic Structure and Bonding, and Characteristics of Water and pH scale.

Any student who did not pass the Atomic Structure and Bonding Test Prep Quiz or the Characteristics of Water and pH scale Test Prep Quiz needs to take these make up quizzes until they do pass.

Link to Atomic Structure and Bonding make up quiz

Link to Characteristics of Water and pH scale make up quiz

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Video 7 Macromolecules and Video 8 Enzymes

Below are links for Video 7 Macromolecules and Video 8 Enzymes.  These videos were watched in class on Sept 21st and cover material for the quizzes that will be given on Sept 23rd.

Link to Video 7 Macromolecules

Link to Video 8 Enzymes

Friday, September 18, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Video 5: Chemistry of Life

Below is a link for Video 5 Chemistry of Life.  This video was watched in class on September 14th.  On September 18th a quiz will be given on this video.

Link to Video 5 Chemistry of Life

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Biology Unit 1 Test

Below is a link for the Biology Unit 1 Test.  This test was given in class on Sept 10th.

Link to Biology Unit 1 Test

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Make Up Quizzes

Below you will find links to all of the make up quizzes for Unit 1.  Students who did not pass the Nature of Science Test Prep Quiz, Scientific Experiments Test Prep Quiz, or the Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep Quiz; must pass one of these make up quizzes in order to get a grade for the Unit 1 test.

Quiz 1 Link to Nature of Science Make Up Quiz

Quiz 2 Link to Scientific Experiments Make Up Quiz

Quiz 3 Link to Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Make Up Quiz

Students MUST pass all three quizzes by Wednesday Sept 9th at 4:30 pm OR THEY WILL RECEIVE A SCORE OF ZERO for the unit 1 test.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Scientific Investigations Test Prep Quiz and Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep Quiz

Below you will find links for the Scientific Investigations and the Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep quizzes.  These quizzes were given in class on Sept 4th.  Passing these quizzes is REQUIRED to receive a passing grade for unit 1.

Link to Scientific Investigations Test Prep Quiz

Link to Hypothesis and Characteristics of Life Test Prep Quiz

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Video 3 Testing Hypothesis and Video 4 Levels of Organization

Below are links for Video 3 Testing Hypothesis and Video 4 Levels of Organization.  These videos were watched in class on September 3rd.  These videos cover material that will be on quizzes that will be given on Sept 4th.

Link to Video 3 <---------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Link to Video 4 <---------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

Monday, August 31, 2015

Nature of Science Make Up Quiz

Below is a link for the Nature of Science Make Up Quiz.  Students who did not pass the Nature of Science Test Prep quiz (which was given in class on August 28th) need to take this make up quiz until they pass it, or else they will receive a Zero for the unit 1 test.

Students must be in Mr. Bennett's room while they take this quiz.

Link to Quiz

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Video 2: Scientific Experiments

Below is a link for Video 2: Scientific Investigations.  This video was watched in class on August 31st.  This video will prepare students for the required quiz that will be given on Sept 4th.

Link to Video

Friday, August 28, 2015

Nature of Science Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the nature of science test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on August 28th.  In order to take the Unit 1 test, students must pass this quiz.

Link to quiz

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Video 1: The Nature of Science

Below is a link for Video 1: The Nature of Science.  This video was watched in class on August 26th.  Students must watch this video and answer all questions that are in this video.  This video will prepare students for the quiz that will be given on Aug 28th.

Link to Video 1

Monday, August 24, 2015

Biology Pre-Post Test

Below is a link for the biology pre-post test.  This test is a chance for you to show how much biology you already know before we start this class.  This test was given in class on August 26th.

Link to Test

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Chemistry Video 1: The Mole

Below is a video on the mole.  This video was watched in class on June 11th.

Link to video

Below is a link to the mole test prep quiz.

Link to quiz

Monday, May 25, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

EOC Review Quiz 4 and Review Video 5

Below are links for EOC review quiz 4 and EOC review video 5.  This quiz and this video were given in class on May 22nd.

Students must take all EOC review quizzes and must get a 75% or more of the questions right to pass the quiz.

Link to EOC Review Quiz 4

Link to EOC Review Video 5 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

EOC Review Quiz 3 and Review Video 4

Below are links for EOC review quiz 3 and EOC review video 4.  This quiz and this video were given in class on May 19th (2nd Period) and May 20th (5th and 6th Periods)

Students must take all EOC review quizzes and must get a 75% or more of the questions right to pass the quiz.

Link to Review Quiz 3

Link to Review Video 4 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

EOC Review Quiz 2 and Review Video 3

Below are links for EOC review quiz 2 and EOC review video 3.  This quiz and this video were given in class on May 18th

Students must take all EOC review quizzes and must get a 75% or more of the questions right to pass the quiz.

Link to Review Quiz 2

Link to Review Video 3 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

EOC Review Quiz 1 and Review Video 2

Below are links for EOC review quiz 1 and EOC review video 2.  This quiz and this video were given in class on May 14th (2nd Period) and May 15th (5th and 6th Periods).

Students must take all EOC review quizzes and must get a 75% or more of the questions right to pass the quiz.

Link to EOC Review Quiz 1

Link to EOC Review Video 2

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

EOC Review Video 1

Below is a link for the first EOC review video.  This video was watched in class on May 13th.  This video covers the following:

  • Cell Organelles
  • Enzymes
  • Cell Membranes
  • Diffusion
  • Facilitated Diffusion
  • Active Transport
  • Osmosis
 Link to EOC Review Video 1

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Unit 7 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all of make up quizzes for unit 7.  Students who have not passed quizzes need to retake these quizzes until they pass them so they can take the test on May 12th.

Link to Nitrogen Cycle Make Up Quiz

Link to Food Chains and Food Webs Make Up Quiz

Link to Populations Make Up Quiz

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Nitrogen Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the Nitrogen Cycle Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 24th.

Link to quiz

Food Chains and Food Webs Make Up Quiz

Below is the link for the food chains and food webs make up quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 24th.

Link to quiz

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A World Without Water

This video was watched in class on April 23rd when Mr. Bennett was out and a substitute was in class.

Link to video

While students watch the video they should answer these questions and turn them in at the end of class.

1) Is it ok for people to have to buy water around the world?

2) How much do you pay for water when you eat out of your house?

3) Is water a basic human right?

4) How can you use less water? Give 5 different ways to use less water.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Nitrogen Cycle Videos

Below are the links for the nitrogen cycle videos.  This video was watched in class on April 21st.

Intro to Nitrogen  Cycle  <------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Nitrogen Cycle Video <--------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

After you get done watching the video on the nitrogen cycle, you should watch the videos on the carbon cycle again to refresh.  The carbon cycle will be on your test.

Link to carbon cycle video

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Food Chains and Food Webs Test Prep Quiz

Below is the link for the food chains and food webs test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 17th.

Link to quiz

Populations Make Up Quiz

Below is the link for the Populations make up quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 17th.

Link to quiz

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Water Footprint Calculator

Below is a link for the water footprint calculator. Students completed this activity in class on April 15th.

Link to calculator

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Food Chains and Food Webs Video

Below is the link for the video on food chains and food webs.  This video was watched in class on April 13th.

Link to video

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Population Growth Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the population growth test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on April 10th.

Link to quiz

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Population Growth Video

Below is the link for the video on populations and population growth.  This video was watched in class on April 6th.

Link to video

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Unit 6 Make Up Quizzes

Below are links for all three make quizzes for unit 6.  Students who did not pass the test prep quizzes must retake these quizzes until they pass them.  Students must pass all three by March 25th at 5pm.

Genetics Make Up Quiz
Link to Quiz

Dihybrid Make Up Quiz
Link to Quiz

Evolution Make Up Quiz
Link to Quiz

Dihybrid Cross Video

If you are still having troubles with dihybrid crosses, the video below will help.

Link to video

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Evolution Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the Evolution test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on March 19th.

Link to quiz

Friday, March 13, 2015

Dihybrid Cross Make Up Quiz

Below is a link for the dihybrid cross make up quiz.  Any student who did not pass the dihybrid cross test prep quiz must take this quiz until they pass it.

Link to quiz

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dihybrid Cross Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the dihybrid cross test prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on March 5th.

Link to quiz

Genetics Make Up Quiz

Below is a link for the Genetics make up quiz.  This quiz was given in class on March 5th.  All students who did not pass the genetics test prep quiz must take this quiz until they pass it.

Link to quiz

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Genetics Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the genetics test prep quiz, this quiz was given in class on February 27th.

Link to quiz

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pigeonetics Activity

Below is a link to interactive activity pigeonetics.  This activity was done in class on February 24th.

Link to pigeonetics

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Intro to Genetics and Mendelian Genetics Videos

Below are the links for two videos for genetics: Intro to Genetics and Mendelian Genetics.  Watch Intro to Genetics first, then watch Mendelian Genetics.  These videos were watched in class on February 19th.

Link to Intro to Genetics<--------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST

Link to Mendelian Genetics<--------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

Link to study questions

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Protein Synthesis Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the Protein Synthesis Test Prep quiz.  This quiz was given in class on February 6th and covers material from the videos Protein Synthesis and Problems with Protein Synthesis.

Link to quiz

DNA and RNA Make Up Quiz

Below is a link for the DNA and RNA make up quiz.  This quiz was given in class on February 6th.  Students who did not pass the DNA and RNA test prep quiz need to retake this quiz until they pass it.

Link to quiz

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

DNA and RNA Test Prep Quiz

Below is a link for the DNA and RNA Test Prep Quiz.  This quiz was given in class on Jan 28th (2nd hour only) and Jan 30th (5th and 6th hour).

Link to quiz

Monday, January 26, 2015

DNA and RNA videos

Below are links for TWO videos, intro to DNA and RNA, and DNA and RNA structure.  These videos were watched in class on January 27th.

Link to Intro to DNA and RNA <-------------------- Watch this one first
Link to DNA and RNA structure <-------------------Watch this one second

Link to study questions

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mitosis Make Up Quiz and Meiosis and Cell Cycle Make Up Quiz

Below are links for the mitosis make up quiz and the meiosis and cell cycle make up quiz.  Student who did not pass the mitosis test prep quiz and the meiosis and cell cycle test prep quiz need to retake these quizzes until they pass them.

Link to Mitosis Make Up Quiz

Link to Meiosis and Cell Cycle Make Up Quiz

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mitosis Test Prep Quiz and Meiosis and Cell Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Below are links for two quizzes, the mitosis test prep quiz and the meiosis and cell cycle test prep quiz.  These quizzes were taken in class on Jan 13th.

Link to Mitosis Test Prep Quiz

Link to Meiosis and Cell Cycle Test Prep Quiz

Meiosis and Cell Cycle Videos

Below are links to watch Meiosis and  Cell Cycle videos.  These videos were watched in class on January 12th 2015.

Watch the meiosis video first, then watch the video on the cell cycle.

Link to meiosis video <------------------WATCH THIS ONE FIRST  

Link to cell cycle video <------------------WATCH THIS ONE SECOND

Link to study questions

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cell Division Video

Below is a link to the video on Cell Division.  This video was watched in class on January 5th.

Link to video

Link to study questions