Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Biomes and Climatograph Assignment

In this assignment you will be analyzing climate data from different locations in the State of Utah and classifying those locations as one of the 10 biomes we learned about in class.  The locations you will be analyzing are: Logan, Manti, St. George, Ouray, Park City, and Salt Lake City.

I have already gathered the climate data for you.  The climate data for the 6 locations listed above can be found at this link.

Link to climate data

For each of these 6 locations you will need to make a climate graph, like the ones you saw in the biomes video.  You will make the climate graph for Logan by hand, using graph paper I will provide. You will make the climate graphs for 2 of the other 5 locations using a computer and either Google Sheets or Excel.

Below are links for 2 videos that show you exactly how to make a climate graph using Google Sheets or Excel.  (Sorry, I don't have a tutorial for how to use the worthless Apple program Numbers to make your climate graph as I have found Numbers to be as useless as bicycle is for a fish)

Link to Google Sheets Tutorial Video

Link to Excel Tutorial Video

After you have completed your climate graphs, send them to Bennett using either AirDrop or email them to me.  Then analyze your climate graphs and decide which of the 10 biomes we studied best fits each of the 6 locations.

After you have decided which biome best fits each of the 6 locations, go to the quiz found at the following link and enter your results.

Link to Biomes Quiz

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